How can Flowd help you as a Property Manager?

Start using the Flowd Smart Water App and Flowd Smart Water Meter to save on water management administration costs and to provide your clients with a superior property management service.

Flowd property manager with couple

Save money & time

Are you still manually administering…


  • clients’ water bills four times a year?
  • utility provider payments?
  • tenant invoicing?


Flowd technologies will streamline every aspect of your water bill administration saving both your time and money.

Save an estimated $5,000+ per annum on administration costs on every portfolio of 200 properties.

This is time and money that can be redirected to working on growing your business or better servicing your clients.

Flowd technologies allow property managers to:

Invoice Directly

Invoice water usage to tenants directly with the Flowd App

Receive Alerts

Receive alerts for water leaks, to protect your clients’ valuable assets

Monitor Usage

Monitor half-hourly water usage for better water management


Integrate with your property software for trust accounting*

Leak Detection

Because the Flowd App is registering water usage at half-hour intervals, it can detect if there is abnormal or excess water usage at the tenancies that you manage.

If there is a leak or excess usage, the App can be configured to provide you with an automatic alert. This enables you to generate a support ticket to your plumbing provider.


For the professional property manager, Flowd allows you to manage water accounts for multiple clients through the one, easy to use, online portal.


An optional part of your client services are the Flowd Stop-Cock leak protection valves. These valves offer an immediate leak protection mechanism on all of a property’s braided hoses.

As every property manager knows, water leaks pose a very real risk to every property investor.  The Flowd technologies will enable you to provide a new level of service to your clients when it comes to protecting their valuable assets.

Get paid faster with the Flowd Smart Water App

Through the Flowd Smart Water App, you can control every aspect of your client’s water management. Invoicing tenants their water usage can be processed through the click of a button.

Flowd smart water app invoice image

Keep up-to-date with the latest News

    Flowd Accredited Property Managers

    Do you want to take the hassle out of managing the water accounts on behalf of your property investor clients?

    Flowd Water Solutions property-management

    Become Accredited

    Becoming a Flowd Accredited Property Manager enables you to arrange installation of the Flowd Smart Water Meters at your clients’ investment properties through your plumbing service providers.


    It is easy for your preferred plumbing supplier to become a Flowd Accredited Installer and to install the meter.

    Reap the benefits

    Becoming a Flowd Accredited Manager offers several benefits to your property management service.


    • Accreditation is a fast, straightforward process for any property manager when you complete our step-by-step training process.


    • We provide a step-by-step training manual that comes with a helpful installation video.  Our licensed and experienced Flowd Water Management plumber is also at hand to provide advice and assistance if required.


    • Installation of the Flowd Smart Water Meter is uncomplicated and the Flowd Smart Water App is easy and intuitive to use.

    Flowd accreditation water splashing in sink

    Enquire today

    Enquire now to become an Accredited Flowd Property Manager and encourage your clients to invest in the Flowd leak detection and water metering and monitoring technology.